Is It Time To Remodel Your Bathroom? Ways To Tell
Although you may believe that your bathroom is operating normally, there are several warning flags you may be ignoring. A recently remodeled bathroom will not only improve your return on investment (ROI) when or if you choose to sell your house, but it would also streamline and improve the quality of your daily life. Here are some indicators put together by us at Tub Coaters that will provide you with the motivation you need to proceed with plans to remodel your bathroom in the best possible way.
Impractical Layout
Each time you enter your bathroom, a poor layout might be frustrating. It may be time to think about remodeling if you are shaking your head each morning questioning why the restroom door strikes the toilet whenever you walk into it. Even if you cannot change the available space, there is probably something you could do to make the area more useful. Even something as easy as substituting your tub with a shower area might transform the room. To learn about your possibilities for making your space more practical, talk to a bathroom remodeling expert like our company.
Related: Shower Refinishing
Not Enough Space for Storage
A restroom that is messy or unorganized is a headache. Your day will undoubtedly get off to a bad start if you cannot find your toothbrush in the rush of Monday mornings. If your restroom is always disorganized and untidy, you need storage options. Clear up your restroom and remove the clutter before you start any remodeling. Consider an alternative design, or if your finances would not allow it, try to come up with creative ways to keep your current bathroom belongs, but upgrade other areas to accommodate your needs. To get the most storage out of your restroom, you may have a storage options specialist assess your area.
Moldy Old Tiles
Regardless of how frequently you scrub your restroom tiles, if they always appear moldy and unclean, it is time to upgrade. Old tiles not only appear filthy and revolting, but mildew in your grout lines or other areas of your restroom is a significant problem that might be harming your health. Stop reading this post right now and have a mold cleanup professional visit your bathroom immediately if it resembles the one in the above image. Have a one of our tile specialist visit your home to go over your alternatives for making your bathroom appear brand new if the issue is not as serious and you are just sick of the old tiles.
Dysfunctional Plumbing
In any restroom, the condition of the piping is crucial. Even though you cannot see the intricate labor that goes into restroom plumbing, it is crucial to monitor how it is doing. Your home might sustain severe damage from a plumbing problem, including flooding and blocked pipes. It is a great idea to have one of our professionals evaluate the condition of your plumbing to make sure everything is okay. This is particularly true if you have never had it examined and are unaware of what takes place behind the walls. When there is a chance of leaking, it is always preferable to take the necessary precautions.
Related: Fiberglass Bathtub Refinishing
Related: Maryland Tub and Tile